Typical poly-kitten:

Dakota, *2007-09-01

Dam: Shakira of Chamberlain

Mamba, *2008-03-06

Dam: Ch. Inka of Chamberlain

Mamba was one of the first Polycoon in the Russian Federation. She was on her first show in Moscow in the TV news.
to the movie

Karox, *2009-01-22

Dam: Ch. Belushies Usher


Zero, *2007-12-06

Dam: Peggy Sue of Loveliness

Pandora, *2008-03-12

Dam: Peppermountz Nessaja

Caipirinha, *2008-03-06

Dam: Ch. Inka of Chamberlain

Bubbles, *2007-12-06

Dam: Peggy Sue of Loveliness

Marion & Hans-Jörg Peper 34212 Melsungen phone: 0049 5661/8129